I am looking for SQL Azure specific provider that seems to be published by Microsoft.
I downloaded the sync tool given at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=bce4ad61-5b76-4101-8311-e928e7250b9a&displaylang=en but it contains a sync wizard. I need to implement a lot of custom synchronization logic to synchronize separate SQL server express databases with a single SQL Azure database.
Currently we are using the SQLsyncprovider, but looking to make the sync process more efficient if possible using sql azure providers. But I am not getting the provider itself (so that I can use it in my code). Does anyone know how to get that?
Also I already have a lot of sync logic written with sqlsyncprovider, so hoping that there is not much of rewriting involved in moving to sql azure provider :)