I came across this issue in attempting creating a gradle database centric project for managing all my db migrations. I am leveraging 1.2.1 of the plugin and believe I have configured everything properly, however, my changesets aren't applied even though there are no rows in the databasechangelog and the update status reports success shown below (output from gradle update --debug).
21:55:27.248 [ERROR] [system.err] INFO 2/26/16 9:55 PM: liquibase: Successfully released change log lock 21:55:27.452 [ERROR] [system.err] Liquibase Update Successful
As you can see gradle or liquibase isn't happy about something and I'm not entirely sure how to get at the offending error. The error is first encountered during the execution of the liquibase-plugin see below:
21:55:20.078 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Project] liquibase-plugin: Running 'liquibase --logLevel=debug --changeLogFile=myschema/changelog.groovy --driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:MYDB --username=myschema --password=mypass update' 21:55:20.722 [ERROR] [system.err] DEBUG 2/26/16 9:55 PM: liquibase: Connected to MYSCHEMA@jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:MYDB 21:55:20.722 [ERROR] [system.err] DEBUG 2/26/16 9:55 PM: liquibase: Connected to MYSCHEMA@jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:MYDB 21:55:20.722 [ERROR] [system.err] DEBUG 2/26/16 9:55 PM: liquibase: Setting auto commit to false from true 21:55:20.879 [ERROR] [system.err] DEBUG 2/26/16 9:55 PM: liquibase: Executing QUERY database command: select count(*) from MYSCHEMA.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK
Can I bubble up the system.err to something I can physically see either in gradle or within liquibase?