I'm performing a constrained ordination in the vegan package using CCA function. I have a matrix of species composition at various sites and a related environmental matrix.
invertcca<-cca(invert.rel~X100m, env)
The default plot gives me both site and species scores, along with a vector displaying the environmental variable. It's messy, but here's what it looks like:
I was then playing around with customizing the plot. I got almost everything working except for adding the environmental vector back in. I did find a code for 'envfit' but I don't think it's right. It creates the arrow but in a different position than the plot above. I've included my code and an image below. Any suggestions?
colvec<-c("magenta", "seagreen", "deepskyblue")
fit <- envfit(invertcca~X100m, env)
plot(invertcca, main="Invert CCA", type="n")
with(env, points(invertcca,display="sites",col=colvec[Disturbance], cex=1.2, pch=21, bg=colvec[Disturbance]))
text(invertcca, display="species", cex=0.5, col="gray0")
with(env, legend("topright", legend=levels(Disturbance), col=colvec, pch=21, pt.bg=colvec))
plot(fit, cex=1.0, axis=TRUE)