
I'm trying to send emails using SwiftMailer and Symfony2.

Before I had a Can't connect to smtp.gmail.com issue, but know, I haven't any error, but the message is still not sent.

Here is my config.yml :

    transport: mail
    encryption: ssl
    host: smtp.gmail.com
    port: 465
    auth_mode: login
    username:   [email protected]
    password:   myPassword

config_test.yml :

    disable_delivery: false

controller to send :

$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance(null)
   ->setFrom('[email protected]')
   ->setTo('[email protected]')
   ->setBody('Test test test !!');


I tried many fix I found on internet, but nothing fixed it :/

I'm trying to send it using Wamp, Locally


I've set the transport to SMTP and now, when I use port 443, I got a timeout, if I use 465, I just get "can't connect" again.


I tried to use "Transport: gmail", but still "can't connect" message Here is my config:

transport: gmail
username:  '[email protected]'
password:  'myPassword'
I tried 443, 465, 25. Nothing changecarndacier
I've also checked in my spamscarndacier
Shouldn't the transport parameter be "smtp" instead of "mail"?Tobias Xy
I hadn't any error, just not receiving the email. I'll edit my question regarding new information. My gmail account should be configurated so... How can I check ?carndacier

2 Answers


For sending mail with Gmail you can use transport: gmail

If you need more information: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/email/gmail.html

If it's well configured and doesn't work, check about your security environment (firewall, ...)


in App/config/config.yml your to write this:

transport: smtp
encryption: ssl     
auth_mode:  login   
host: "%mailer_host%"
username:  "%mailer_user%"
password:  "%mailer_password%"
spool:     { type: memory }

in App/config/parameters.yml:

 mailer_transport: gmail
    mailer_host: smtp.gmail.com
    mailer_user: [email protected]
    mailer_password: your_mail_password

In your Controller:

public function sendMailAction() { 

      $Request= $this ->getRequest();

      if($Request ->getMethod()== "POST"){

          $name= $Request -> get("name");
          $email = $Request -> get("email");
          $sujet = $Request -> get("subject");
          $message = $Request -> get("message");

          $mailer = $this->container->get('mailer');
          $transport = \Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.gmail.com',465,'ssl')

           $sms = \Swift_Message::newInstance('Test')
                   ->setFrom('[email protected]')

$spool = $mailer->getTransport()->getSpool();
$transport = $this->get('swiftmailer.transport.real');


      return $this->render('SwiftMailSwiftMailBundle:Mail:contact.html.twig');   


Ask Me to send you the full project if you want.Good Luck