Title says it all, I need to scramble lat/lon coordinates within 100m radius for privacy reasons. I'm just horrible at maths and can't figure out how to convert 100m to lat/lon...
Eg I would have a location like:
lat: 52.5037086
lng: 13.434223100000054
Need to scramble this within 100m radius randomly, ie the furthest the generated coordinates can be from the original coordinates in any direction is 100m.
I've seen this formula around:
d = acos( sin(φ1)⋅sin(φ2) + cos(φ1)⋅cos(φ2)⋅cos(Δλ) ) ⋅ R
φ = latitude, λ = longitude
R = radius of earth
d = distance between the points
No idea how to accomplish this in JavaScript, though. These "points" are markers within a Google Map if it makes a difference.
To be honest, it doesn't even need to be a circle, just random location within 100m x 100m square would work as well.