
I have installed the ELK with Filebeat.

I followed this blog for setup : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-elasticsearch-logstash-and-kibana-elk-stack-on-ubuntu-14-04#set-up-filebeat(add-client-servers)

When I tested with:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/filebeat-*/_search?pretty'

I got the result as the blog.

There are two question from my side:

  1. After the logstash host got the log info, where it stored?
  2. If I want to use the filebeat to forward the whole log file to the logstash host and stored the location which I desired, how can I config it?

1 Answers


Logstash sends its output where you configure it to. In the blog posting you reference, the file 30-elasticsearch-output.conf contains an output{} section, which directs the output to elasticsearch. There are lots of other possible outputs.