If you don't need an initial delay, you can make it run 'just once' on startup as follows:
<!-- Long.MAX_VALUE ms = 3E8 years; will run on startup
and not run again for 3E8 years -->
<task:scheduled ref="myThing" method="doStuff"
fixed-rate="#{ T(java.lang.Long).MAX_VALUE }" />
(Of course, if you think your code is going to run for longer than 3E8 years, you may need a different approach...)
If you need an initial delay, you can configure it as follows (I'm testing with Spring 3.1.1) - this doesn't require any additional dependencies and you don't have to write your own trigger, but you do have to configure the PeriodicTrigger
provided by Spring:
<bean id="onstart" class="org.springframework.scheduling.support.PeriodicTrigger" >
<!-- Long.MAX_VALUE ms = 3E8 years; will run 5s after startup and
not run again for 3E8 years -->
<constructor-arg name="period" value="#{ T(java.lang.Long).MAX_VALUE }" />
<property name="initialDelay" value="5000" />
<task:scheduled ref="myThing" method="doStuff" trigger="onstart" />
Spring 3.2 appears to support the "initial-delay" attribute directly, but I haven't tested this; I'd guess this works:
<task:scheduled ref="myThing" method="doStuff"
fixed-rate="#{ T(java.lang.Long).MAX_VALUE }"