
I have data in Big Query I want to run analytics on in a spark cluster. Per documentation if I instantiate a spark cluster it should come with a Big Query connector. I was looking for any sample code to do this, found one in pyspark. Could not find any c# examples. Also found some documentation on the functions in DataProc APIs nuget package.

Looking for a sample to start a spark cluster in Google cloud using c#.

Thank you for asking this. As I was preparing an example, I realized the autogenerated V1 API available on nuget is out of date and does not contain the methods needed to do this. I'm going to work on getting that pushed ASAP. I'll update here when packages are updated.Angus Davis
@AngusDavis Thanks for replying.Any ideas how long it will be before the sample and the new package will be ready?PUG
The NuGet packages have been updated. I'll work on getting a small sample together.Angus Davis

1 Answers


After installing Google.Apis.Dataproc.v1 version (or higher):

Below is a quick sample console app for creating a Dataproc cluster in C#:

using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; 
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Dataproc.v1; 
using Google.Apis.Dataproc.v1.Data;

using System; 
using System.Threading;

namespace DataprocSample {
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string project = "YOUR PROJECT HERE";
            string dataprocGlobalRegion = "global";
            string zone = "us-east1-b";
            string machineType = "n1-standard-4";
            string clusterName = "sample-cluster";
            int numWorkers = 2;
            // See the docs for Application Default Credentials:
            // https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials
            // In general, a previous 'gcloud auth login' will suffice if running as yourself.
            // If running from a VM, ensure the VM was started such that the service account has
            // the CLOUD_PLATFORM scope. 
            GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefaultAsync().Result;
            if (credential.IsCreateScopedRequired)
                credential = credential.CreateScoped(new[] { DataprocService.Scope.CloudPlatform });

            DataprocService service = new DataprocService(
                new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                    HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                    ApplicationName = "Dataproc Sample",

            // Create a new cluster:
            Cluster newCluster = new Cluster
                ClusterName = clusterName,
                Config = new ClusterConfig
                    GceClusterConfig = new GceClusterConfig
                        ZoneUri = String.Format(
                            project, zone),
                    MasterConfig = new InstanceGroupConfig
                        NumInstances = 1,
                        MachineTypeUri = String.Format(
                            project, zone, machineType),
                    WorkerConfig = new InstanceGroupConfig
                        NumInstances = numWorkers,
                        MachineTypeUri = String.Format(
                            project, zone, machineType),
            Operation createOperation = 
                service.Projects.Regions.Clusters.Create(newCluster, project, dataprocGlobalRegion).Execute();
            // Poll the operation:
            while (!IsDone(createOperation))
                Console.WriteLine("Polling operation {0}", createOperation.Name);
                createOperation =

            Console.WriteLine("Done creating cluster {0}", newCluster.ClusterName);
        static bool IsDone(Operation op)
            return op.Done ?? false;