In the jasper report you have
<font fontName="google_noto"/>
Related to this font you can only have 1 font-extension with the family name
(containing the font for normal, bold, italic etc).
You can't switch this font extension dynamically the solution would be:
Use a font that contains all relative language.
Create a different jrxml (reports) for the different language with different fontName
and the create font-extension with all the different family names
//report in English
<font fontName="google_noto_en"/>
//report in Italian
<font fontName="google_noto_it"/>
A work around would be to indicate fake font, disable errors for missing font and switch the default font as you like before generating report.
This question is about setting properties JRProperties became deprecated, recommended way of replacing
However, I would strong recommend and choose: "1. Use a font that contains all relative language"