I hava a four nodes ElasticSearch cluster.After i insert about 100G data into the cluster,i restart the cluster.I found that it cost a lot of time for recovering shards.I notice that :
- All primary shard recover from local node through gateway,it recover very quickly.
- All replica shard recover from primary shard,i found that the replica shard is seem to copy from the node where the primary shard in to another node in the cluster.
- After i finished the first long time restart,and then i shutdown my cluster and restart my cluster again,it just cost few minutes
I was very confused that why my shard copy again when i restart my cluster,where is the original replica data in my node ?
I have been read some relative questions such as :
quick recovery after node restart in elasticsearch
but it didn't work,Can I stop the shard migration across the nodes when i restart my cluster for the first time ?