
I am developing a custom application to control an Asterisk based pbx using ami/agi interface. What I have to do is:

  1. receive a call from a pstn external line
  2. answer the call
  3. play a welcome message
  4. transfer the call to a specific extension
  5. park the call
  6. reconnect to the call from a different extension

Everything should be done using ami/agi interfaces. I succesfully developed everything up to point 5) but I am unable to understand how to transfer (using ami/agi) the parked call to a runtime-defined extension.

Can someone give me an idea on how to do it ?


2 Answers


you should originate from Local/XXX@parked_context to the extension you want.

something like this..

  • Action: Originate Channel: Local/XXX@parked_context (XXX is the number of parked call)
  • Context: default (here you put the context where you can reach the second party)
  • Exten: 123 (number who will receive the call)
  • Priority: 1
  • Callerid: 3125551212
  • Timeout: 30000
  • Variable:
  • ActionID:

Simplest way is just use async agi or conference or Wait extension instead of parking, i.e redo parking-like logic yourself.

That way you will 100% know channel name and how to transfer it back.

Considering you are gooing use ami - AsyncAGI is best option for you.