Having a look into Microsoft's Graph API, specifically looking at the angular example called 'O365-Angular-Microsoft-Graph-Connect' - https://github.com/OfficeDev/O365-Angular-Microsoft-Graph-Connect. Have successfully registered the app and installed the dependencies. However when running the app I am correctly seeing all the user's details apart from the image, (all the users in our O365 tenancy have an image). Debugging the app it appears the response received from the api is full of '�' symbols which suggests an encoding issue somewhere. When using the graph API explorer I get the image returned fine which suggests this is the app. Any ideas of how to remedy this so the example app works? The index html page is correctly UTF-8 encoded so the app looks correct to me which suggests an issue with the API, however as the graph API explorer gives me the correct image that suggests it's the app.
Any ideas on how to pull through the image in the example app provided by Microsoft?
Other thoughts are that as the example screenshot provided by MS uses a placeholder image this part of the app is simply not working yet.