
I am producing summary statistics tables by using estpost and esttab, however, even by specifying the parentheses option, I am not able to get the parentheses around the standard errors.

The code I am using is equivalent to the following:

clear all
sysuse auto, clear

qui eststo: estpost tabstat weight price, by(foreign) ///
    statistics(mean sd) columns(statistics) listwise nototal

esttab using "outcomes.tex", replace booktabs ///
    main(mean) aux(sd) unstack nostar noobs nonote nomtitle nonumber ///
    title("Summary Statistics") ///
    cells("mean" "sd") gaps compress par ///

The resulting outcomes.tex can be compiled in Latex by using:



Edit: The same problem happens if I try to put standard errors in brackets by using the br option.


1 Answers


An example:

clear all
sysuse auto, clear

eststo: estpost tabstat weight price, by(foreign) ///
    statistics(mean sd) columns(statistics) listwise nototal

// yours
esttab, main(mean) aux(sd) unstack nostar noobs nonote nomtitle nonumber ///
    title("Summary Statistics") ///
    cells("mean" "sd") gaps compress par ///

// proposed
esttab, unstack nostar noobs nonote nomtitle nonumber ///
    title("Summary Statistics") ///
    cells(mean sd(par)) gaps compress par ///

Remember to go over help estout, as esttab is just a wrapper for the former.