Since FMW, Weblogic start support partition administrator to manage their own partition was created in same domain.
I had followed online guideline:
to create realm, user/group, virtual target, partition, and partition IDD. I start the multiple partition properly.
But, I had encountered a very annoy issue. Weblogic server never get partition administrator connect through.
When I created user by WLST as (by given 'userName', 'realmName' and 'userPassword'):
atn = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider('ATNPartition')
if atn.userExists(userName):
print "User already exists."
atn.createUser(userName, '${userPassword}', realmName + ' Realm User')
print "Done creating user. ${userPassword}"
after save and activated, suppose Weblogic server will save the user password in encrypted format in But unfortunately, when I check the in domain home. There is only node manger's password was encrypted as:
I don't see any other partition administrator's password encryption information.
Please any one advise me How to enable Weblogic server to support partition administrator connect to Weblogic server?