I have this code in my app:
DataService.dataService.USERS_REF.childByAppendingPath(DataService.dataService.CURRENT_USER_ID).childByAppendingPath("groups").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
If I print the result, I only get a snapshot with this value:
Snap (groups) {
"-KBAX-d4UNQMZErrTqPD" = true;
"-KBAX0rrrR-trRZc408F" = true;
"-KBAX2-lrGd-Bx2zVizv" = true;
"-KBCL_xUjm-kf1JsGgpA" = true;
"-KBCOlullSmzi46ecf9J" = true;
If I print snapshot.key I get
and if I print snapshot.value I get
"-KBAX-d4UNQMZErrTqPD" = true;
"-KBAX0rrrR-trRZc408F" = true;
"-KBAX2-lrGd-Bx2zVizv" = true;
"-KBCL_xUjm-kf1JsGgpA" = true;
"-KBCOlullSmzi46ecf9J" = true;
Is there a way to iterate through all the snapshot values and get all the keys and values of each one? In this case, there are 5 keys and values in this snap.