I'm currently using the Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient in a C# Cloud Service application that manages user provisioning and updates to users in Office 365 based on information stored in a database.
The issue I am facing is the setting of a user's mail address. On provisioning of a new user, setting the mail address property of the new user object causes an error to be thrown by the Graph Client. When provisioning a new user, the primary SMTP address is automatically set to the be the UPN for the user. The following code will successfully create a new user and set the primary SMTP address to be the same as the value set for the UserPrincipalName:
IUser newUser = new User();
newUser.DisplayName = "Firstname Surname";
newUser.UserPrincipalName = "someone@somewhere.com";
newUser.AccountEnabled = true;
newUser.MailNickname = "firstnamesurname";
newUser.ImmutableId = "0k3otwAAEkm8vGSKbJqRZg==";
newUser.PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
Password = "somerandompassword",
ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = true
newUser.UsageLocation = "GB";
Fair enough - having UPN and primary email address mis-matches can cause AutoDiscover issues.
The problem I have is that the "mail" property of the user object also throws an error when set when updating a user.
The following code will successfully update a user:
User retrievedUser = new User();
List<IUser> retrievedUsers = null;
retrievedUsers = _activeDirectoryClient.Users
.Where(searchUser => searchUser.ImmutableId.Equals(0k3otwAAEkm8vGSKbJqRZg==))
if (retrievedUsers != null && retrievedUsers.Count == 1)
retrievedUser = (User)retrievedUsers.First();
retrievedUser.UserPrincipalName = "someone1@somewhere.com";
The above code will change the user's UPN, but not update the primary SMTP address as in the add a new user scenario. This I do not understand, as it can then cause AutoDiscover issues (as the UPN is different to the primary SMTP address) and negate any reason for not being able to set the mail address when creating a new user.
I cannot find any details on how to update a user's email address, or set an additional email address as the primary SMTP address. Scenarios for this requirement are such as when a user gets married and they want to have a new email address as their primary email address.
Does anyone have any info please on how to manage a user's primary SMTP address using Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient? I can find information on setting additional email addresses, but not on how to change the primary SMTP address.
Grateful for any help please!