
I have looked at spring-cloud-config client without Spring Boot and many others and have not found a convincing answer. So here it goes again:

Question: Is it possible, in a Spring app, to use Spring Cloud Config server/client without the automagic configuration of Spring Boot? Is using Spring Boot a requirement for using these frameworks?

If it is:

  1. Is there any documentation that clearly describes what needs to be done in order to enable Spring Cloud Config server/client without Spring Boot?
  2. Is there any sample project that clearly describes what needs to be done in order to enable Spring Cloud Config server/client without Spring Boot??
Yes, you could use it without boot. No docs or examples exist.spencergibb
What would be the general recipe for using it without boot? I am happy to figure it out, if you could provide a few hints. Thanks.Misagh Moayyed

1 Answers


I'm not aware of documentation or a sample project. However we are doing it in our projects.

You just need to include the configuration server URI as a property source, assuming you are using PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer:

<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer" id="propertyPlaceholder">
    <property name="locations">
    <property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="false"/>

You have to make sure to pass -Dspring.profiles.active=current_profile to the java command line, like you probably would have done with boot.