
I am using font-awesome with bootstrap 4 cards, is there anyway to increase the size of the font-awesome icon (bottom right) when I mouse over the button?

in this case <i class="fa fa-folder-open fa-5x"></i>

Here is the HTML

                <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                    <div class="card card-inverse card-success">
                        <div class="card-block bg-success">
                            <div class="rotate">
                                <i class="fa fa-folder-open fa-5x"></i>
                            <center><a class="btn btn-success show" target="1" role="button"><h5 class="text-uppercase">open cases &nbsp;&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right fa-1x"></i></h5></a></center>
                            <h1 class="display-1"><center>7</center></h1>

Here is what it presently looks like

enter image description here

.card:hover .fa { font-size: 6em; } ?Philip
or use the transform: scale() css. Both look better adding a transition for the .fa so it will animate.Philip
not without javascript, there is no parent selector, to target icon when you hover over the buttonThe Process
There's no need for JavaScript. CSS :hover should work.Philip
@Philip, is there a way to target a specific fa ? you see if i use your solution it is expanding the arrow on the button which i dont want.user3436467

2 Answers


look maybe this help you

.rotate .fa.fa-folder-open:hover{
  transition: 1s ease-out;



Use .card:hover > .card-block > .rotate > .fa { } to target the icon.

Then you can use font-size: 6em; to enlarge the font or use the transform: scale() css.

Both look better adding a transition for the .fa so it will animate on hover.

EDIT: The transition should be set on .card > .card-block > .rotate > .fa { } (so without the :hover).

Example: .card > .card-block > .rotate > .fa { transition: font-size 0.35s ease; } .card:hover > .card-block > .rotate > .fa { font-size: 5em; }

(Don't forget to add extra rules with prefixes for cross-browser compatibility, see caniuse.com or W3schools for reference.)