
I've created simple webapp + mysql database on azure and i've set ftp username/pass. I'm following this article: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-php-mysql-deploy-use-ftp/

Everything is fine up to the ftp part, i just can't connect to that ftp. I tried using the username/pass i set in Deployment Credentials. I tried using the username/pass i see in the PublishSettings file, but nothing is working.

I tried via linux ftp cmd and filezila and played with active/passive. When i telnet ip 21 i'm getting timeout too.

Could someone please explain how to connect to that azure ftp?



3 Answers


According to the offical documents, the section Deploy by copying files to Azure manually of the doc Deploy your app to Azure App Service introduce the steps of deploying the WebApp via FTP.

The key point of deploying via FTP on Azure is the FTP connection information, you can follow the steps 5 to 7 of the section Get MySQL and FTP connection information of the doc Create a PHP-MySQL web app in Azure App Service and deploy using FTP to find them from the .publishsettings file got on the Azure new portal, please see the picture below.

enter image description here


One common problem is that you need to have the username look like YourSiteName\YourUserName and not just YourUserName.

If you look under 'FTP/Deployment username' in the Azure portal, it gives the correct name with the site name prefix.


The method shown in the tutorial you link to is how I do it when I need to lookup my azure credentials - by downloading the Publish Profile and pulling the information out of there.

Here's how I do it: using FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/) I plug the publishurl in the host field, leave the port blank, select FTP - File Transfer Protocol, use explicit FTP over TLS if available, Logon Type: Normal, enter userName in the user field, userPWD in the password field.

Click Connect and the FTP connection is made (after I click the security msg).

So it's a plain old FTP connection. There's nothing special going on.

If this isn't working for you I would suggest the problem isn't with your credentials, check the webapp has been started in azure, check you can ftp with another site\server.

Good luck. Hope this helps.