
In netbeans I was looking for a hibernate javadoc option (the code completion is working properly but I was looking for the description of the functions).

I got one JAR file for Hibernate Javadoc : hibernate-3.2.2.ga-javadoc.jar but couldn't find a way to include this and make it work in NetBeans. I included the jar file in the Javadocs option of Java Platform/Library Manager, but that didn't provide any solution. I think there is a Hibernate Javadoc Zip/Folder available which provides the source code/class files and will be appropriate in this occasion but I couldn't get any such resources. Any suggestion?

If you use Maven, you can add the goal execution on maven directives like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/2059431/…dellasavia

2 Answers


Go to sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate3/, download the 3.2.2.ga hibernate bundle and include the javadocs and sources from there.


I don't know why, but you MUST use the hibernate3.jar which comes in the .zip downloaded from sourceforge to NetBeans recognize/bind/accredit/link the JavaDoc with the hibernate3.jar. In my case the hibernate3 which one came with NetBeans7.0.1 is the same version (3.2.5 ga) than the downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate3/ (I unziped both had the same quantity of folders, files...) but different sizes.