
Today I installed Symfony 2.7.9 for the first time and of course I've installed Sonata Admin (successfully). Now I'm trying to install SonataUserBundle like described here. But all the time I get the same error:

Unable to find file "@SonataUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin_resetting.xml" in @SonataUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin_resetting.xml (which is being imported from "/Users/alex/www/Personal/startup-1/app/config/routing.yml"). Make sure the "SonataUserBundle" bundle is correctly registered and loaded in the application kernel class. If the bundle is registered, make sure the bundle path "@SonataUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin_resetting.xml" is not empty.

And YES, of course I checked admin_ressetting.xml and found that folder @SonataUserBundle/Resources/config/routing is empty.

Here my files:

config.yml, routing.yml, security.ylm, AppKernel.php

Also I'll note that:

  1. My database contains 0 tables.
  2. In folder src/Application/Sonata I have the only folder UserBundle
I just looked at the source on Github and it seems you are simply missing the file. github.com/sonata-project/SonataUserBundle/tree/master/… Were there composer errors?cilefen
I should just add that files? When I added the only admin_resetting.xml, the other errors appeared. Maybe something wrong with installation bundle?Alex Yeremenko

2 Answers


It seems there is a real issue with the 2.2.4 version of SonataUserBundle. Indeed admin_ressetting.xml is missing as you can see there.

FYI, I just posted an issue reporting the bug.

You can get the file from the master branch and create it under vendor/sonata-project/user-bundle/Resources/config/routing to fix it meanwhile.

Update (Apr, 28'16)

In fact, that's not an issue but a documentation misleading (the default documentation is ahead of last release). You need to refer to the v2.2 documentation if you want to use the last release, which is the 2.2.4 for now.


If you really checked @SonataUserBundle/Resources/config/routing which should be located under vendor/ and it's empty I would recommend you to delete vendor-directory, clear composer cache (compser clear-cache) and run composer install again.

As you can see at Github the directory should not be empty and contain more files than admin_resetting.xml.