
I am on windows 10 and has VirtualBox 5.0.14 and vagrant 1.8.1 installed in it.

While i try to add a box it gives me this error:

Command: $ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64


The box 'ubuntu/trusty64' could not be found or could not be accessed in the remote catalog. If this is a private box on HashiCorp's Atlas, please verify you're logged in via vagrant login. Also, please double-check the name. The expanded URL and error message are shown below:

URL: ["https://atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/trusty64"] Error:

Any idea for this issue?

can you download the file directly : atlas.hashicorp.com/ubuntu/boxes/trusty64/versions/20160215.0.0/… and then add a box from this downloaded fileFrederic Henri
On windows, try with quotes, as in "ubuntu/trusty64"greenhorn
FYI On macOS you do need 'sudo', without it doesn't work.zarko.susnjar
These are probably not the answers. What happened is that Hashicorp changed its download URL! Upgrade to Vagrant 2.x and you will not have this problem.Oliver Williams
Do you use a VPN? I had this issue when it was enabled, probably because the server was blacklisted.Alexis

7 Answers


Potential TOP reason after 2018: Hashicorp has changed the download URL.

For a quick workaround add this to your Vagrantfile:


and run vagrant up again.


Upgrade vagrant to v2.0+

More details: https://github.com/hashicorp/vagrant/issues/9442


Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (as mentioned in ticket #6745) solved the issue for me.


There are issues with the new version 1.8.x of vagrant and Windows 10 as described in ticket #6745 and a string of related tickets. I tried some of the advice that people are giving, but the one thing that works straight away is to downgrade your vagrant to version 1.7.4.

To do that first uninstall your current version 1.8.x. Then go to the vagrant download page, and then select download older versions of Vagrant. There you can select vagrant_1.7.4.msi.

Install version 1.7.4, reboot your machine and you are ready to go (again) using the statement as per your question:

$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64

It should start to download without further issue.


I had the same issue on Windows 10 and Vagrant 1.9.1. I tried all the above tricks (installing VisualC++, downgrading Vagrant to 1.7, copy over curl from git bash, installing openssh) but finally I found the solution thus:

  1. vagrant up --debug: it revealed that home dir for vagrant was my user homedir which was having non-latin symbols. When vagrant downloads box file from external url, it tries to save it in its home dir, which is ~/.vagrant.d (for Windows that means for example C:/Users/Ольга/.vagrant.d)
  2. vagrant.d outside of the home folder - change file \HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\gems\vagrant-1.5.3\lib\vagrant\environment.rb on line 119 to @home_path = Util::Platform.fs_real_path("C:/vagrant/home/") - where C:/vagrant/home can be any dir without non-latin symbols, for example, c:/HashiCorp/Home.

I had this problem starting the vagrant box (Using git as Terminal, https://git-scm.com/download/win):

$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
The box 'ubuntu/trusty64' could not be found or
could not be accessed in the remote catalog. If this is a private
box on HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud, please verify you're logged in via
`vagrant login`. Also, please double-check the name. The expanded
URL and error message are shown below:

URL: ["https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/trusty64"]
Error: schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.

The problem was my anti virus (Kaspersky) that was preventing me from adding the box. I deactivated the anti virus and the command worked:

$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
$ vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now
ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read
the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on
`vagrantup.com` for more information on using Vagrant.

$ vagrant up

It will fix your error:

vagrant destroy

Use version 5.18 of virtual box, then install version 1.9.2 of a vagrant. Restart your computer. Now go to the directory you want to work in.

vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant up