
On my MDI Form (Parent Form), whenever I trigger a command to create a new MDI Child Form, I do these stuff (but it doesn't work):

procedure TfrmMDI.CreateChildForm(const childName: string);
var Child: TfrmChild;
    Child := TfrmChild.Create(Application);
    Child.Caption := childName;
    Child.BorderStyle := bsNone;

I tried to set the Border Style of the MDI Child Form to bsNone through object inspector but it doesn't work as well.

I finally tried to set the MDI Child's Form BorderStyle through run-time however, it doesn't seemed to work too.

procedure TfrmChild.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    BorderStyle := bsNone;

For additional information, my current MDI Child Form looks like this:

Current Form

We may want to set our MDI Child's BS like this MDI Parent's BS:

Desired Form


2 Answers


What you are attempting to do is not how MDI is meant to be used. The GUI you want to have would likely be better served by using client-aligned TFrame objects instead of MDI child forms.


Upon waiting for some answers, I have read a documentation from Embarcadero that states:

"Changing the border style of an MDI child form to bsDialog or bsNone has no effect"

I tried to change the Application Appearance of my program to some pre-installed styles created by Embarcadero and It helped.

I just override the default style setting of my project.

How to

Finally, it looks like this. Any border style changes will be applied to your MDI Child Form if you override the default form style:
