Input File size : 75GB
Number of Mappers : 2273
Number of reducers : 1 (As shown in the web UI)
Number of splits : 2273
Number of Input files : 867
Cluster : Apache Hadoop 2.4.0
5 nodes cluster, 1TB each.
1 master and 4 Datanodes.
It's been 4 hrs. now and still only 12% of map is completed. Just wanted to know given my cluster configuration does this make sense or is there anything wrong with the configuration?
<name>yarn.nodemanager.aux- services.mapreduce.shuffle.class</name>
<name>yarn.resourcemanager.resource- tracker.address</name>
<description>The hostname of the RM.</description>
<description>Minimum limit of memory to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager.</description>
<description>Maximum limit of memory to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager.</description>
<description>The minimum allocation for every container request at the RM, in terms of virtual CPU cores. Requests lower than this won't take effect, and the specified value will get allocated the minimum.</description>
<description>The maximum allocation for every container request at the RM, in terms of virtual CPU cores. Requests higher than this won't take effect, and will get capped to this value.</description>
<description>Physical memory, in MB, to be made available to running containers</description>
<description>Number of CPU cores that can be allocated for containers.</description>
<description>Whether virtual memory limits will be enforced for containers</description>
Map-Reduce job where I am using multiple outputs. So reducer will emit multiple files. Each machine has 15GB Ram. Containers running are 8. Total memory available is 32GB in RM Web UI.
Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks in advance.