
I am having a problem to fetch some data from database using ROracle. Everything works perfect (I am getting the data from different tables without any problem), but one of the tables throws an error:

    con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracle"),"xxx/x",username="user",password="pwd")
    spalten<- dbListFields(con, name="xyz", schema = "x") # i still get the name of the columns for this table
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "Select * From x.xyz") # no error
    data <- fetch(rs) # this line throws an error

Fehler in .valueClassTest(ans, "data.frame", "fetch") : invalid value from generic function ‘fetch’, class “try-error”, expected “data.frame”

I followed this question: on stackoverflow, and i selected the columns

rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "Select a From x.xyz")

but none of it worked and gave me the same error.

Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

P.S. I have checked the sql query in Oracle SQL Developer, and I do get the data table there


If anyone can help me to locate/query my Oracle error log, then perhaps I can find out what is actually happening on the database server with my troublesome query.

Is there any output in the Oracle error logs? What is the exact line which fails? Can you call dbSendQuery(...) without an assignment, without any error?Tim Biegeleisen
the line which throws an error is data <- fetch(rs), calling dbSendQuery(...) comes without any errorMal_a
I suspect that there is a problem with your database connection. What do you see when you type con in the R console after attempting to connect? Are there any fields which indicate whether or not the connection were made successfully?Tim Biegeleisen
The connection is succesfull, and i am sure about it, i tried getting some other tables, and i fetched the data without any problem, thats whats wondering me...only this one table throws an errorMal_a
Can you show us code for a query where you were able to get a result set?Tim Biegeleisen

2 Answers


This is for debugging purposes only. Try running your code in the following tryCatch construct. It will display all warnings and errors which are happening.

result <- tryCatch({
    con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracle"),"xxx/x",username="user",password="pwd")
    spalten <- dbListFields(con, name="xyz", schema = "x")
    rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "Select * From x.xyz") # no error
    data <- fetch(rs) # this line throws an error
}, warning = function(war) {
    print(paste("warning:  ",war))
}, error = function(err) {
    print(paste("error:  ",err))

print(paste("result =",result))

I know I'm late to the game on this question, but I had a similar issue and discovered the problem: My query also ran fine in SQL Developer, but that only fetches 50 rows at a time. ROracle fetches the whole data set. So, an issue that appears later in the data set won't show immediately in SQL Developer. Once I pages through results in SQL Developer, it threw and error at a certain point because there was a problem with the actual value stored in the table. Not sure how an invalid value got there, but fixing it fixed the problem in ROracle.