Hey I have two big matrices 400x400. That I want to create into one heatmap/colormap. Current code:
res = matrix_1*256/2 + matrix_2*256/2;
%res = res -max(max(res));
where the heatmap function everyone can look up. But to give a visualization of the second one it results in:
This however does not let me know which matrix is dominant. But only that both are dominant (white) both are not dominant (dark). I would like to make a plot where I use fused data. E.g. Matrix 1 is nuance of red and Matrix 2 is nuance of green:
rgb = [matrix_1(i,ii), matrix_2(i,ii), 0]
then I want to make a 2D plot using the color that rgb represents. Is this possible ? I have looked at making my own colormap (but you guessed with no good results).
I have found solutions like this (how-to-create-an-interpolated-colormap-or-color-palette-from-two-colors) and create-a-colormap-in-matlab, but I how do I specify a specific colour for every point in a 2D plot?