
I would like to know how to calculate the centre of a polygon created with this code from Mapbox: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/show-polygon-area/ I would like to place a marker on the centre of the polygon after it's been created. Thanks in advance.

I have tried to use the following : var center = e.layer.bounds.getCenter(); But it doesn't work. I have found other scripts to calculate the center of a polygon, but I'm not sure where to find the polygon createdSurfget

2 Answers


To calculate the center of a polygon you first need to get it's bounds, that can be done using the getBounds method of L.Polygon which it enherits from L.Polyline:

Returns the LatLngBounds of the polyline.


It returns a L.LatLngBounds object which has a getCenter method:

Returns the center point of the bounds


It returns a L.LatLng object which you can use to create a L.Marker:

var polygon = new L.Polygon(coordinates).addTo(map);

var bounds = polygon.getBounds();

var center = bounds.getCenter();

var marker = new L.Marker(center).addTo(map);

Or you can shorthand it:

var polygon = new L.Polygon(coordinates).addTo(map);

var marker = new L.Marker(polygon.getBounds().getCenter()).addTo(map);

Using that in the Mapbox example would look something like this:

function showPolygonArea(e) {

    // Here 'e.layer' holds the L.Polygon instance:
    new L.Marker(e.layer.getBounds().getCenter()).addTo(featureGroup);

    e.layer.bindPopup((LGeo.area(e.layer) / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' km<sup>2</sup>');

You can use turf library.turf.center(features) gives you a point feature at the absolute center point of all input features. where features in your case will be the polygon selected which you can get using mapboxDraw.getAll()