I'm a new Tableau user and am looking for help/guidance in creating a frequency distribution table from data in an Excel spreadsheet. The data is from a survey, Column A is the respondent's e-mail address. Column B is the location (State). Columns C - N are questions from the survey, and answers are listed in the columns on a scale from 1 - 3. The column names look like this:
E-Mail .............. State ......... Question 1 ..... Question 2 ..... Question 3
john.doe ............ MN ................ 1 ........................2....................1
I'd like to use Tableau to create a frequency distribution table that would look similar to the following:
State 1 State 2 State 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3, etc.
I have a feeling that my data is not formatted correctly; however, I'm struggling with how do so. My questions are: (1) Can I create the frequency distribution table in Tableau using my data in its current format? (2) If not, how should I format it in order to create the frequency distribution table?
Thank you in advance for your help.