
I'm using ruby on rails 4.2.2 with gem foundation-rails 6.1.2. I've installed everything as in the docs and now trying to make simple reveal modal window, like in foundation docs here

I've imported motion-ui, but it still doesn't work. Here is the code in slim:

.reveal#exampleModal1 data-reveal='data-reveal'
    h1 Awesome. I Have It.
    p.lead Your couch. It is mine.
    p I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!
    button.close-button data-close="data-close" aria-label="Close modal" type="button"
        span aria-hidden="true"×

And the link itself to open the modal:

a.open-modal data-open="exampleModal1" Open modal

So the modal is opening but has strange styles for the first opening. It's too wide(inline styles are added to the modal) and close button doesn't close the modal. If I close the modal by clicking outside the modal or ESQ - it's closed. The second time I open the reveal, it has correct width of 600px(styles pane in console shows that now styles come from some css file). But close button still doesn't work.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Thank you


1 Answers


Oh, dealing with close button was easy thanks to opened issue on github

As stated in the issue, still have problem with initial styling..