I am a SAS novice. I am trying to convert character variables to numeric. The code below works for one variable, but I need to convert more than 50 variables, hopefully simultaneously. Would an array solve this problem? If so, how would I write the syntax?
DATA conversion_subset;
SET have;
new_var = input(oldvar,4.);
drop oldvar;
rename newvar=oldvar;
DATA conversion_subset;
SET have;
Array old_var(*) $ a_20040102--a_20040303 a_302000--a_302202;
* The first list contains 8 variables. The second list contains 7 variables;
Array new_var(15) var1-var15;
Do i=1 to dim(old_var);
new_var(i) = input(old_var(i),4.);
*drop a_20040102--a_20040303 a_302000--a_302202;
*rename var1-var15 = a_20040102--a_20040303 a_302000--a_302202;
NOTE: Invalid argument to function INPUT at line 64 column 19 (new_var(i) = input(old_var(i),4.)
I am still stuck on this array. Your help would be greatly appreciated. My code:
DATA conversion_subset (DROP= _20040101 _20040201 _20040301);
SET replace_nulls;
Array _char(*) $ _200100--_601600;
Array _num(*) var1-var90;
Do i=1 to dim(_char);
_num(i) = input(_char(i),4.);
I am receiving the following error: ERROR: Array subscript out of range at line 64 column 6. Line 64 contains the input statement.
? If so, please provide such code to adjust column types at the source. – Parfait