I have two tables, Actual Use and Budget. I need to update my [Actual Use].Goals with my monthly Budget.goals. I have an update query:
UPDATE [Actual Use]
INNER JOIN Budget ON [Actual Use].Property_ID = Budget.Property_ID
[Actual Use].Goal = [Budget].Goal
[Actual Use].Date = [Budget].Date
This query updates my Actual Use table but only for one month. 1/1/2016. Both Actual Use and Budget have a date field and all dates are entered with the first of each month so 1/1/2016, 2/1/2016 etc... Why is my update only working on one month and not every month where the Property_ID and month are the same on both tables?
The Acutal Use Table has the following fields in this order
Property_Id, Date, Use, Goal
and the Budget Table has Property_ID, Date, Goal