
I have a formula that calculated price total of an invoice eg. @vtotal. The invoice page could span from 1 to n page. I would like to show the total only on last page. How do I do that?

I have searched and tried on some suggestions using report footer, but it does not work as it implies, the report footer always show in tandem with page footer.

I have also tried using formula:

if PageNumber = TotalPageCount then

It still display 0 on pages with PageNumber < TotalPage Count.

How to do it correctly to only show on last page? And nothing on other.


2 Answers


Create group over invoice ID (or whatever field identifies invoice uniquely) and show your formula in group footer.

/edit after comments/

Alternative way is to supress some formulas in page footer section. Place your {@vtotal} into page footer (like it was initially) and create suppress formula for it, with content like

{PageNumber < TotalPageCount}

You need to somehow account for situations, when you print more than single invoice - if this is possible for your setup of course.


You Can write Grand Total in Report Footer. So it will display in only last page.