Note that for most of fonts chars have variable width (Courier
and Terminal
are examples of fixed-width fonts). See TFont.Pitch.
So if you are ready to use fixed fonts, find char width once with Canvas.TextWidth and use this value to determine max string length.
For variable fonts you have to examine the width of every string - 'lllll' will shorter in pixels than 'wwwww' and so on. Of course, you could try to find the shortest char sequence with max width and use its length. Note that the widest char (and combination of chars with inter-symbol spaces) depends on the font used.
s: string;
Margins: Integer;
Margins := Memo1.Perform(EM_GETMARGINS, 0, 0);
Margins := LongRec(Margins).Lo + LongRec(Margins).Hi;
s := 'ababababababababababababababababababababababab';
//be sure that Canvas font is the same as Memo font
while Canvas.TextWidth(s) >= Memo1.ClientWidth - Margins - 1 do
Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
Alternative approach - find width of Memo to hold up the text with DrawText(Ex)
WinAPI function.