If your table does not consist of record/repeated type fields - your simple option is:
Select valid columns while filtering out bad records into new temp table
SELECT < list of original columns >
FROM YourTable
WHERE < filter to remove bad entries here >
Write above to temp table - YourTable_Temp
Make a backup copy of "broken" table - YourTable_Backup
- Delete
- Copy
to YourTable
- Check if all looks as expected and if so - get rid of temp and backup tables
Please note: the cost of above #1 is exactly the same as action in first bullet in your question. The rest of actions (copy) are free
In case if you have repeated/record fields - you still can execute above plan, but in #1 you will need to use some BigQuery User-Defined Functions to have proper schema in output
You can see below for examples - of course this will require some extra dev - but if you are in critical situation - this should work for you
Create a table with Record type column
create a table with a column type RECORD
I hope, at some point Google BigQuery Team will add better support for cases like yours when you need to manipulate and output repeated/record data, but for now this is a best workaround I found - at least for myself