
I want to develop .net framework 4.6.1 applications using Visual studio 2012.So, I tried to install 4.6.1 developer pack for visual studio 2012.But when I go to this link to install the framework.It provides me two links, one for .NET Framework 4.6.1 Targeting Pack and the other for .NET Framework 4.6.1 Runtime. Which one of these shall I install?

The link you gave is to the developer pack, it includes the targeting pack, SDK and the 4.6.1 framework. So in short you need them allMark Hall
Link to visual studio 2015 is also provided there.Do I have to download that as well?V K
No, Looks like it is supported on VS2012, just make sure you download from the tab that has your version.Mark Hall
microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49978 to use .Net 4.6.1 in VS 2012, 2013, 2015.user276648
Mark has already answered this. You need to install Developer Pack which should contain everything. Link: getdotnet.azurewebsites.net/target-dotnet-platforms.html# Select VS 2012 and download Targeting PAckFrank Q.

1 Answers


To use the framework with Visual Studio 2012 or later install the developer type version.

The runtime type version is a lighter version, meant to run applications on servers. This runtime version doesn't have the information/extensions that Visual Studio needs, so Visual Studio can't use them.

Check why at was-the-developer-pack-originally-called-sdk


Currently, the download page is .NET SDKs for Visual Studio. First column has the Developer Pack versions, for Visual Studios, the middle column as the Runtime versions to install on production servers.