I am using the Jest client for Elastic to browse an index of document to update one field. My workflow is to run an empty query with paging and look if I can compute the extra field. If I can, I update the relevant documents in one bulk update.
private void process() {
int from = 0
int size = this.properties.batchSize
boolean moreResults = true
while (moreResults) {
moreResults = handleBatch(from, this.properties.batchSize)
from += size
private boolean handleBatch(int from, int size) {
log.info("Processing records $from to " + (from + size))
def result = search(from, size)
if (result.isSucceeded()) {
// Check each element and perform an upgrade
// return true if the query returned at least one item
private SearchResult search(int from, int size) {
String query =
'{ "from": ' + from + ', ' +
'"size": ' + size + '}'
Search search = new Search.Builder(query)
I don't have any error but when I run the batch several times, it looks like is finding "new" documents to upgrade while the total number of documents hasn't changed. I got the suspicion that an updated document was processed several times which I could confirm by checking the processed IDs.
How can I run a query so that the original documents are the ones processed and any update wouldn't interfere with it?