
I'm trying to run Castalia simulation (radioTest) in Omnet++ but I stopped on one issue. When I'm choosing one of the configurations define in omnetpp.ini then error appear:

"Error in module (cModule) SN (id=1) during network setup: Class "WirelessChannel" not found -- perhaps its code was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in the case of modules and channels, with Define_Module()/Define_Channel()."

I would be very grateful for your help.

Have you compiled Castalia?Jerzy D.
Yes, I did. Comments must be at least 15 characters in length.hjlhjlkhjkljlk
Sorry, the second sentence is meaningless - just to add comment. My "extended" sentence was to short :)hjlhjlkhjkljlk
Could you explain how you start simulation: from console or from IDE? Do you use opp_run or CastialBin?Jerzy D.
Dear Jerzy, at the beginning I started simulation from console and it working fine. After that i decided to try it using IDE. I'm using opp_run.hjlhjlkhjkljlk

1 Answers


By default Castalia is compiled into executable file, so one cannot use opp_run to start it.
In OMNeT++ you should go to Run | Run Configuration... then add a new configuration by double clicking of OMNeT++ Simulation.
Next set:

  • as Working directory - the folder, where omnetpp.ini of the simulation is placed, e.g. /Castalia-3.2/Simulations/BANtest
  • as Executable set Other and indicate your CastaliaBin executable file, e.g. /Castalia-3.2/src/CastaliaBin
  • in Ini file(s) type omnetpp.ini

and run the simulation.