Live currency rate using Yahoo Finance API works perfectly in India, but not working in UAE. Is their any IP checking for getting this value using Yahoo Finance API?
We have done this using Yahoo Finance API using JavaScript and PHP. The code is given below.
function currencyConverter(currency_from,currency_to,currency_input){
var yql_base_url = "";
var yql_query = 'select%20*"'+currency_from+currency_to+'")';
var yql_query_url = yql_base_url + "?q=" + yql_query + "&format=json&";
var http_response = httpGet(yql_query_url);
var http_response_json = JSON.parse(http_response);
return http_response_json.query.results.rate.Rate;
Can any one suggest any other free API for getting live currency rates without having any IP address checking using JavaScript/jQuery and PHP?