I'm getting used to the proposed async/await syntax and there's some unintuitive behavior. Inside the "async" function, I can console.log the correct string. However, when I try to return that string, instead, it returns a promise.
Checking this entry: async/await implicitly returns promise? , it's pretty clear that any "async function()" will return a promise, NOT a value. That's fine. But how do you get access to the value? If the only answer is "a callback", that's fine - but I was hoping there might be something more elegant.
// src
// ==========================================
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
var saltAndHash = function(password){
var hash;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function(err, hash) {
var makeHash = async function(password){
var hash = await saltAndHash(password);
console.log("inside makeHash", hash);
// from test suite
// ==========================================
describe('Bcrypt Hashing', function(){
it('should generate a hash', function(){
var hash = makeHash('password');
console.log("inside test: ", hash);
// output to console:
// ==========================================
inside test: Promise {
{ p: [Circular],
c: [],
a: undefined,
s: 0,
d: false,
v: undefined,
h: false,
n: false } }
inside MakeHash $2a$10$oUVFL1geSONpzdTCoW.25uaI/LCnFqeOTqshAaAxSHV5i0ubcHfV6
// etc
// ==========================================
// .babelrc
{ "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"] }
function. – T.J. Crowder