
I want to create a Leaflet map using the EPSG:31466 projection. I've included the proj4 library as well as the proj4leaflet plugin. I'm planing to include this WMS service using the fp_plan layer.

I've tried to to set up my map using the following approach (fiddle).

// Define CRS (EPSG:31466)
var rs31466 = new L.Proj.CRS(
  '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +datum=potsdam +units=m +no_defs',
    origin: [
    resolutions: [
      10000000 * 0.00028, //GroundResolutionInMeter * OGC_PixelWidth
      5000000 * 0.00028,
      2500000 * 0.00028,
      1000000 * 0.00028,
      500000 * 0.00028, 
      250000 * 0.00028,
      100000 * 0.00028,
      50000 * 0.00028

// Create the WMS layer
var wmsLayer = L.tileLayer.wms('http://xplanung.lkee.de/xplan-wms-neu/services/wms', {
    version: '1.3.0',
    crs: rs31466,
    layers: 'fp_plan',
    format: 'image/png',
    transparent: false,
    // The `continuousWorld` property should be set to make sure Leaflet doesn't 
    // try to wrap or cut off the tiles on Spherical Mercator's bounds.
    continuousWorld: true

// Define the map
var map = L.map('map', {
  crs: rs31466,
  center:[51.310, 13.393],
  zoom: 1,
  layers: [

I would have expected to see something like this:

Expected result

The tiles are requested but the section does not contain the expected layer information. If I use the EPSG:25833 projection the tiles are fetched and rendered exactly in the expected manner (fiddle).


1 Answers


I've whipped out an example changing the origin of the tile coordinates and adding a rectangle to check the general geographical coordinates.

It does request tiles, and it seems to me like the coordinates of the BBOXes of the requests are fine, but I can only see white tiles.

Maybe that example can help you see what's wrong?


It seemed that Leaflet doesn't respect the coordinate order (northing-easting or easting-northing) for WMS 1.3 request on custom CRSs. I think this is a leaflet bug.

In the meantime, I updated the example with a hacked L.TileLayer.WMS.getTileUrl function - and now it seems to load OK.