
I'd like to define some colours as constants in a GWT CssResource, and use those constants throughout my application; but I don't know how to do that.

I'll tell you what what I've tried. I've created a ClientBundle and a CssResource as follows:

public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
  public interface MyStyle extends CssResource {
    String JUNGLEGREEN();
    String example();
  MyStyle css();

I've defined some constants in Resources.css:


Within Resources.css, I use those constants like so:

.example { color:JUNGLEGREEN; }

I'm not aware of a way to re-use those constants in other CSS files and UiBinder templates. I'd like to do this in some other UiBinder file, say LoginView.ui.xml:

<ui:with field='resources' type='com.example.Resources' />
  .mainPanel {

...but it doesn't seem to compile. Do you know how I can achieve my objective?

This answer in different thread might be helpful: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10035774/490369alshan

3 Answers


This is how we do it:

  • we place all our constant attributes in a constant.css file
@def black #241b15;   /* text color */
@def orange #ff4f00;   /* links */
  • in each ui.xml file you can reference to those constants the following way:
<ui:style src="../../resources/css/constants.css">
    .myStyle {
        color: orange;

Hope that helps.


To avoid the relative path in the <ui:style> element you could do the following:

  • define your constants again in a css file (say constants.css)
@def junglegreen #1f3d0a;
  • create a ClientBundle and CssResource to retrieve the defined constants
public interface MyResources extends ClientBundle {

    public static final MyResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(MyResources.class);

    public interface Constants extends CssResource {

        String junglegreen();

    Constants constants();

-use the @eval annotation to access the constant

    @eval green com.gwt.client.widget.test.MyResources.INSTANCE.constants().junglegreen();

    .someClass {
        color: green;

The only way I know of how to deal with constants without referencing the css file itself.


I know this answer might be kind of late but may help someone. I was having the same problem and was able to solve it by adding the following:


I added it in my factory but tried it in a couple of places and no matter where I put it, it worked.


You should be able to use

  @IMPORT url("../../../global.css");
  .mainPanel {