I am trying to integrate Android pay into my app using Braintree SDK. To test this, we need "Android pay" app installed and we should add card details also right? I am using sandbox for testing..For testing on sandbox, do we need to add card(debit/credit) details into Android pay app? If so can I add test cards supported by Braintree? please let me know .
2 Answers
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
For testing in sandbox you will need to add a real, valid card into the Android Pay app. Android Pay will not accept Braintree test cards.
- Pick correct Android Pay apk variant from apkmirror website.
Turn on Sandbox Mode using
adb shell cd /sdcard/Download; rm f android_pay_env_override_*; touch android_pay_env_override_sandbox;
For more detail checkout this link