We are using cached PreparedStatement for queries to DataStax Cassandra. But if we need to add new columns to a table, we need to restart our application server to recache the prepared statement.
I came across this bug in cassandra, that explains the solution https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/JAVA-420
It basically gives a work around to not use "SELECT * FROM table" in the query, but use "SELECT column_names FROM table"
But now we came across the same issue with Delete statements. After adding a new column to a table, the Delete prepared statement does not delete a record.
I don't think we can use the same work around as mentioned in the ticket for Select statement, as * or column_names does not make sense with Deleting a row.
Any help would be appreciated. We basically want to avoid having to restart our application server for any additions to database tables