I have a CSV file, and I want to import it in my Elastic Search.
I am on Windows 10 and I also have a Kibana be able to browse data once imported. I use Logstash to try to make this import.
All of my services (Kibana, ES and Logstash) are running on my localhost.
I tried with a the following Logstash configuration file (my csv file is in the correct path):
input {
file {
path => ["E:\Programmes\Logstash\logstash-2.2.0\data\*.csv"]
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
csv {
columns => ["billing_entity","invoice","company","username","reference","line_number","recipient_number","zone","network","date","time","country","duration","cost","currency","call_origin","billing_type"]
separator => ";"
#grok {
# match => { "call" => "%{WORD:billing_entity} %{WORD:invoice} %{WORD:company} %{WORD:username} %{WORD:reference} %{NUMBER:line_number} %{NUMBER:recipient_number} %{WORD:zone} %{WORD:network} %{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} %{WORD:country} %{WORD:duration} %{NUMBER:cost} %{WORD:currency} %{WORD:call_origin} %{WORD:billing_type}" }
output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
index => "call_samples"
#index => "call-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
hosts => "localhost"
workers => 1
As you can see I tried to use 'csv' or 'grok' filter.
Then I launched in verbose mode logstash with this configuration file :
logstash.bat -f ..\conf\logstash.conf -v > logfile.txt
EDIT : after each try, I delete the generated sincedb files to simulate changes. But anyway I noticed they are empty
But in the logs I see nothing relevant :
message=>"Using mapping template from" message=>"Attempting to install template" message=>"New Elasticsearch output" message=>"Registering file input" message=>"No sincedb_path set,generating o.... message=>"Using mapping template from ... message=>"Attempting to install template" message=>"New Elasticsearch output" message=>"Starting pipeline" message=>"Pipeline started"
Quite alike my file is ignored .... I also tried several indexes , etc ... it will never import data.
To check if data is present I make query on localhost:9200 or I browse Kibana search bar "Index name or pattern" with the index "call_samples".
Can anyone help me on this please ? I'm stuck at this point ... Thanks
EDIT 2 : Ok I'm dumb on this one, I just wanted to redirect the logs streams to a file when I was launching logstash :
logstash.bat -f ..\conf\logstash.conf -v > logfile.txt
But it was probably breaking the input file from being imported. So I just removed the part where I redirect on file :
logstash.bat -f ..\conf\logstash.conf -v
Now, my index is correctly created, but no data is being imported ...