
Is it possible to create an Azure Resource Manager template that sets up the automated backup of a Web App in Azure App Service?

I have everything else for the web sites set up through ARM, but I am stumped on getting automatic backup set up.

I have dug up the documentation for setting it through the REST Api

So currently I can see two options.

Scripting the above REST api calls:
This I can of course script my way out of, but I would really like to do it through an arm template.

Manual through the portal:
This is not really feasible in any kind of automatic repeatable way.

Would really prefer an ARM solution.

Scripting REST api calls is not that straightforward. Azure starts complaining about apiVersion and Authorization token, which are not described. Have you found a way around?Sparrow_ua
No I haven't had the time to look into this sadlyRasmus

1 Answers


No you cannot, but you can use PowerShell to do so.

UPDATE: Unfortunately the resources are not available in the docs anymore. I am using the Edit-AzureRmWebAppBackupConfiguration command like this:

$resourceGroupName = "backup"
$storageAccountName = "abc"
$blobContainerName = "def"
$startDate = (Get-Date).Date.AddMinutes(45).AddDays(1) # when should the first backup be triggered

$storageKeys = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageName
$storageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageName -StorageAccountKey $storageKeys[1].Value
$sasToken = New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken -Name $blobContainerName -Permission rwdl -Context $context -FullUri -ExpiryTime ([DateTime]::MaxValue)
Edit-AzureRmWebAppBackupConfiguration -Name $appName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
        -StorageAccountUrl $sasToken -FrequencyInterval 1 -FrequencyUnit Day -RetentionPeriodInDays 7 `
        -KeepAtLeastOneBackup -StartTime $startDate