
I'm fetching data from web API service from react native ios project, and I got this message

The RCTURLRequestHandlers RCTDataRequestHandler: 0x7a11c0e0 and RCTImageStoreManager: 0x7a6c46a0 both reported that they can handle the request NSURLRequest: 0x7a28bb10 { URL: %250D%250A%250D%250Ahttps://webApiURL/post1.png }, and have equal priority (0). This could result in non-deterministic behavior.

How can I resolve this issue?

I assigned the Image source this way

<Image source={{uri: post.ImagePath}} />

And when I tried to remove "uri"

<Image source={post.ImagePath} />

I got a warning message

"Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop source supplied to Image. Check the render method of StaticRenderer."


1 Answers


It seems like the %250D%250A%250D%250Apart of the post.ImagePath should not be there.

Could you show the contents of your post object?