
I am using Twilio to send SMS to targeted phone numbers in my web app(which I am developing in asp.net). Twilio SMS is not being delivered to target phone numbers but its status is sent in my twilio account log. One more thing, when I send SMS to the number on which I activate my twilio account, message is delivered to that phone number. Can anyone please help me to sort out this?

Twilio developer evangelist here. If you are making the API calls correctly but messages aren't being sent, I would contact support on [email protected]. If you can supply some Message SIDs that haven't been sent, that would be particularly useful.philnash

2 Answers


Thanks to all who view my question. I solved the problem my self. The issue was by default twilio didn't allowed service for programmable SMS. I checked it to allow to get SMS and voice calls on all numbers.


Just run into this same issue but I've managed to resolve it by removing additional verified phone numbers (i.e. you need only 1 with the trial account).