
I am having a view, which will have always a constant height. Inside this view there are three labels, the top label can grow up-to two lines and rest are fixed to one line.

Leading and trailing edges of all labels are fixed to superview, but height of all labels is being calculated intrinsically.

enter image description here

I want to center all the three labels vertically for both the cases where top label is having one line and where top label is having two lines.

I want to do it using auto-layout in Xcode interface builder.


1 Answers


You can achieve this only by adding another UIView in the view hierarchy. So this goes like

  -> SubView
      -> lbl1
      -> lbl2
      -> lbl3

Now coming to constraint, apply these

SubView to UIView:- CenterX, CenterY, Leading = 0, Trailing = 0, Height >= 67; Vertical Compression Resistance = 751;
lbl1 to subview:- Leading = 0, Trailing = 0, Top = 0, Bottom to Lbl2 = 2, Height >= 21; Vertical Compression Resistance = 751;
lbl2 to subview:- Leading = 0, Trailing = 0,Top to lbl1 = 2, Bottom to lbl3 = 2, Height = 21;
lbl3 to subview:- Leading = 0, Trailing = 0,Top to lbl2 = 2,Bottom = 0, Height = 21;

For Subview i have calculated height based on each label height as 21 and spacing between each as 2. So SubView.Height = 21*3+2+2 = 67. If you choose a different value then modify the constraints value accordingly.