
I've had a dump recently,

DATA: gt_data    TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_data WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY bukrs gaapnm,
     lt_tabdel  TYPE standard TABLE OF ty_data.

  LOOP AT gt_data ASSIGNING <gf_data>.
    IF <gf_data>-KANSW + <gf_data>-KAUFW = 0.
      APPEND <gf_data> TO lt_tabdel.

  IF lt_tabdel IS NOT INITIAL.
    DELETE gt_data FROM lt_tabdel.

And on the line with deleting table from internal table - i've had a dump: In statement Convert object to integer only numerical type data objects are supported at argument position "object". In the present case, operand "object" has the non-numerical data type "TABLE OF TY_DATA". I just can't understand - why? Both of it had the same type... So, it will be great if you could provide some advice and a bit of explanation of error origins.


2 Answers


You have (inadvertently) used this variant of the DELETE statement that uses FROM and TO to specify indexes, i. e. numbers of table lines. In a sense, you are coding delete all lines in gt_data below the one identified by the line number in lt_tabdel, and the system goes belly-up when trying to convert the contents of lt_tabdel to an integer.

As far as I can see - i. E. if you've provided a complete code sample - this should be sufficient:

LOOP AT gt_data ASSIGNING <gf_data>.
  IF <gf_data>-KANSW + <gf_data>-KAUFW = 0.
    DELETE gt_data.
    CONTINUE. " safety measure

For an explanation of the CONTINUE statement, check this answer.


Ok, i found solution. Delete - was the wrong command. So i used this one instead:

LOOP AT gt_data ASSIGNING <gf_data>.
    IF <gf_data>-KANSW + <gf_data>-KAUFW <> 0.
      append <gf_data> to lt_data.

  gt_data[] = lt_data[].

Just filled another table and assigned it contents to the main table.