Im using Laravel 5.0 and attempting to set up a command for queueing a job inside of my mailer service.
My problem is that I don't know how to inject the command dispatcher into my mailer service.
My structure:
- Services folder
- Mailer.php (contains abstract class Mailer)
- UserMailer.php (contains class UserMailer which extends the Mailer class)
Things I have tried:
I've tried to use the DispatchesCommands trait within the UserMailer class and within the Mailer class. I have also tried to inject \Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher into the constructer of the UserMailer class.
In all three instances I get an error that "Class Services\Mailers\SendEmail Not Found"
abstract class Mailer
public function emailTo($view, $mData)
Mail::queue($view, $mData, function($message) use ($mData)
//code here - not relevant
use Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher as Dispatcher;
Class UserMailer extends Mailer
protected $bus;
function __construct(Dispatcher $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;
public function sendIndividualEmail($members)
// code here not relevant...
$this->bus->dispatch(new SendEmail($members));
return true;
How do I access the command bus from within my UserMailer class? TIA